MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology) offers scholarships to international students who wish to study at a Japanese university as an undergraduate student under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program for 2017. If you wish to apply for Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) scholarship for 2017 for Undergraduate Students, you can download necessary forms such as application form on this page.
*Please read “Guideline” and “Notes for Application” carefully before you apply.
l Application Day:
Ø By hand:
We will accept the application only 9:00-15:30, Sunday 22nd and Monday 23rd, May 2016.
*We will accept the application only these 2 days.* We will not accept any application before and after the deadline for any reason.
Ø By post:
Your application form and other required documents must reach to the Embassy no later than Monday, 23rd May 2016.
* We will not accept any applications after the deadline
l Submitted to:
Information and Culture Center Embassy of Japan
2F, 81 Corniche El Nil Street, Maadi, Cairo
*Please enter through the East Gate near "Family Cinema".
Application forms & Information:
2. Process and Schedule *written examinations date has been changed to be on 14th July 2016 and the interview has been changed to be on 19th July 2016.
3. Guideline
4. Application Forms
*Only Applicant who wish to be directly placed at a university need to submit this form.
5. Application Forms Sample
l Qualifying Examinations for Applicants for Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarships (here)
خطوات التقديم :
اولا يتم تحميل الأبليكيشن من خلال الرابط اعلى
ثانيا ملئ الأبليكيشن بكافة البيانات المطلوبة
ثالثا التسليم يوم 22 و 23 مايو لن يتم قبول اى طلب بعد التاريخ المعلن
ثالثا التسليم يوم 22 و 23 مايو لن يتم قبول اى طلب بعد التاريخ المعلن
رابعا عنوان السفارة مرفق بالصورة
التخصصات المطلوبة :
* كل التخصصات فى مجال العلوم الفيزيا والكيمياء والطب والهندسة
* كل التخصصات فى مجالات الأقتصاد والحقوق والعلوم الأجتماعية
العمر :
لازم يكون تاريخ الميلاد من 2 أبريل 1995 حتي 1أبريل 2000
موعد القبول الرسمى :
يتم عن القبول المبدئي 16-6 ثم مرحلة الامتحان على هذه المواد
subjects: English, Japanese, mathematics, chemistry, physics،biology
فى حالة النجاح فى الامتحانات سوف ترسل له السفارة ميل القبول الرسمى
لاضافة تعليق او سوال